How to draw effective Poses, made sometime in 2016.
My notes in the descriptions are 'quoted' as those little boxes have a word limit.
'... could people
recognize your character from a far distance? ... conveying their personality in
how they pose? ... stand out from other characters if placed beside them? ... draw your character at a tiny undetailed size and adjust their stance.'
'If there is plenty of
(negative) space, people can read this pose as one of a confident and ready character. If there is little
negative space, the character might come across as timid, or lacking detail.'
'Another tip is to try drawing your character from another angle... Be thoughtful of what details you want to show off most in your drawing.'
'You can choose to
blow the thumbnail up and trace over it, or start a fresh drawing while keeping the pose and silhouette.'
'... Reference should inform your drawing as you add it to your visual memory bank, so
you’re able to freely sketch it again, or help you jump over hurdles in drawing skill.'
'I’ve used different colours to distinguish the details of my character’s costume
as it’s a combination of fabric and metal.'
'The design of the armour informs where the light will
‘bounce’, and give it a more three-dimensional look. I also apply these lights and shadow to the rest of the drawing.'
'Her hair is tied back so she can see where she’ll throw her spear, and at who. She has a toned physique, so she’s no dainty pushover.'