A tutorial on shadows and how they would appear in your drawings. Yes, YOUR drawings specifically.
Written and drawn by me circa 2017.
'... any light that is projected onto a solid object will cast a shadow.'
'The first is the Form shadow, a shadow that wraps around the object/character/building on the un-lit side. A cast shadow is a shadow that any of the aforementioned subjects cast onto the ground.'
'Natural light, such as that coming from our Sun, is intense and beams in one solid direction casting long and dark shadows... Artificial light, coming from a much closer local source like a lightbulb, will tend to refract light back into the cast shadow'
'The Sun is at its lowest on the horizon at dawn and dusk, making for very long and deep shadows on the ground. Noon, where the Sun is at its highest in the sky during the day, leaves much shorter shadows in the scene, almost as if it was top lit.'
'Shadows are a very neat tool for storytelling if you can get the hang of drawing them in a logical manner.'
'Using shadows and light in your work will attract the viewers attention and guide their eyes around your drawing.'